Undulatory propulsion on land

In this last tutorial, an attempt at coup de grace, we will be combining various techniques we have learnt in this tutorial and apply to the problem of locomotion on land by an active filament aka snake. Solving the problem in auto-07p is challenging as there are several parameters in the system. Further we need to impose periodic boundary conditions, which we have not yet seen in this series. The problem is solved by Guo and Maha, PNAS 2007 where they describe the shape of a snake based on the body centerline. Please refer to the article for a detailed derivation, the equations read \[\begin{aligned} x_s =& \ \cos \theta, \\ y_s =& \ \sin \theta, \\ \theta_s =& \ \kappa, \\ T_s =& \ \mu_w + \mu_p \text{Pr} | \sin \theta| - \text{Mo} \frac{\cos (2\pi s)}{2\pi} - \text{Be} \kappa_s \kappa - \text{Vi} \kappa_{ss} \kappa, \\ 0 =& \ - \text{Pr} \sin \theta + \text{Mo} \sin(2\pi s) + \kappa T - \text{Be} \kappa_{ss} - \text{Vi} \kappa_{sss}.\end{aligned}\] Here \(x, y\) are the position of the centerline, \(s\) is the arc-length, \(\theta\) is the orientation of the tangent along the body, \(\kappa\) is the curvature and \(T\) is the tension. There are 6 parameters in the system and they are Pr, Mo, Be, Vi, \(\mu_w, \mu_p\). The boundary conditions that supplement these equations are of two types, dirichlet and periodic. The dirichlet ones are: \(x(0) = y(0) = y(1) = \theta(0) = \theta(1) = 0\), while the periodic ones include: \(T(0)=T(1), \kappa(0) = \kappa(1), \kappa_s(0) = \kappa_s(1)\). As we have seen in our earlier tutorial, NCONT = NBC+NINT-NDIM+1. We have NDIM = 7 NBC=8, so we have two continuation parameters. We would like to find Mo vs Vi, just as in the paper.

In order to do that we split the task into two parts (problem is too hard to solve in one go). The first part is to enforce periodic boundary condition for most but not all the variables (this give confidence in the solution itself), continue from a numerically easily accessible solution to a point close to the actual region of interest. In the second part enforce the last periodic boundary condition that was not supplied earlier. In effect the first part ensure we are continuing along one branch by varying only one parameter and in the second we use homotopy continuation to asymptotically satisfy the last boundary condition. The itemize the steps taken and Snake.auto has the implementation of the method described here.
