School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
Harvard University, Cambridge, USA.
Soft Math group: Prof. L Mahadevan.
Collaborators: Prof. Venkatesh N Murthy.
Projects: Behaviour of animals & robots, Programming mechanical properties of soft/smart-materials.
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences,
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Bengaluru, India.
Thesis: Mechanics of filaments and spherical particles: role of elasticity and hydrodynamic interaction.
Advisors: Prof. Rama Govindarajan, Prof. Narayanan Menon.
Collaborators: Prof. Vishal Vasan, Dr. Joel Marthelot.
École Polytechnique, Palaisseau, France.
Thesis: Dynamo action in ABC flows: what is the effect of Fourier truncation at low Prandtl number?
Advisors: Prof. Marc Brachet, Prof. Stephane Fauve.
Recipient of the Charpak fellowship by Institut Francais.
Indian Institute of Information Technology,
Design and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram,
Chennai, India.
Advisor: Dr. S. Jayavel.
Recipient of the institute's Best thesis award.