
Postdoctoral fellow

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
Harvard University, Cambridge, USA.

Soft Math group: Prof. L Mahadevan.

Collaborators: Prof. Venkatesh N Murthy.

Projects: Behaviour of animals & robots, Programming mechanical properties of soft/smart-materials.


Ph.D. in Physics

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences,
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Bengaluru, India.

Thesis: Mechanics of filaments and spherical particles: role of elasticity and hydrodynamic interaction.


M.S. in Fluid Mechanics

École Polytechnique, Palaisseau, France.

Thesis: Dynamo action in ABC flows: what is the effect of Fourier truncation at low Prandtl number?

Recipient of the Charpak fellowship by Institut Francais.


B.Tech in Mech. Engg.

Indian Institute of Information Technology,
Design and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram,
Chennai, India.

Advisor: Dr. S. Jayavel.

Recipient of the institute's Best thesis award.

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