S Ganga Prasath

Assistant Professor at IIT Madras

I am currently a faculty member in the Department of Applied Mechanics & Biomedical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. My research interests lie at the interface of robotics, behaviour and soft-mechanics. You can check out the INTERFACE lab page for more details.

I am also the faculty advisor of the Applied Mechanics Scholars Association and help the scholars run the seminar series 42 Explained! and ChalkTalk. I am deeply interested in climate change outreach and lead an initiative Project Climate with a student group Vivarta.

Outside work, I have a set of projects that keep me busy. You can access their progress over at the projects page. Write to me if you are interested in collaborating or would like to know more about any of these topics.


Watch the lecture recordings of the Ethology, from individual to collective workshop on YouTube.

Project Climate's monthly newsletters, called Climate logs, are now available on substack. You can read them here.

"Making sense of climate models", a primer on how and why climate models work appears on The India Forum.

Madurai Typeface, a Tamil typeface by Agam Type Foundry is available for free download on Github.

"The physical intelligence of ant and robot collectives", a wide-audience summary of our recent work on collective behaviour appears in SEAS highlights.